Pharmaceutical Company


Relying 100% On Solar Energy To Meet Our Energy Needs

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Maher Al-Tamimi

Birzeit Pharmaceutical Company and Masader Company -which is Owned by the Palestine Investment Fund- have signed an agreement to acquire a stake in the "Noor Jericho" solar power plant. This strategic move aims to fulfill the entirety of Birzeit Pharmaceutical Company's electricity requirements through renewable energy sources. By harnessing the power generated by the 2.21 megawatt-capacity station, the company is taking a significant step towards becoming environmentally friendly and fully reliant on renewable energy. This decision holds great significance on multiple fronts, including environmental preservation, national interests, and investment prospects.

 By embracing solar energy sources, the company is actively reducing its dependency on Israel for energy and electricity, while simultaneously aligning with its commitment to safeguarding the environment and utilizing clean energy sources. Moreover, this transition will lead to a decrease in production costs, as the company will benefit from reduced operational expenses, thereby enhancing its competitiveness in both local and international markets.