Pharmaceutical Company

Our Environment

Since 2004, BPC has invested in eliminating the environmental damage associated with pharmaceutical manufacturing. The Company’s first environment-friendly building was completed in 2012, whereby solar energy had been utilized as an alternative to fuel. BPC aims to replicate this environment-friendly example in its other facilities and is still investing in applying new green energy resources.

Water Drainage

We assess the amounts of water we utilize monthly and have equipped an area for the reuse of about 1000 litre /per hour  treated water, in addition to the treatment and the reuse of steaming water.

Solid waste

The waste generated from our activities is divided into two categories: contaminated waste, which is disposed of under the supervision of the Ministry of Health, and clean waste, which is collected and sorted. Depending on the type of waste, such as plastic, aluminum, glass, and wood, recycling or reusing methods are employed.

Proper gas usage and air treatment system

At BPC, we recognize the significance of safeguarding the ozone layer. Therefore, we have implemented strict measures to prevent the use of harmful gases. For instance, we have replaced halon fire extinguishers with CO2 fire extinguishers and prohibited the use of Freon gas in water chillers. Furthermore, we take measures to control dust generated during the handling of raw materials and processing of certain products. To achieve this, we have installed an air treatment system that ensures the circulation of 100% clean air in our production areas. Additionally, we utilize dust collection systems to extract all the dust and maintain clean exhaust air.

 BPC is committed to establishing an efficient administrative environmental system and production method. As part of this commitment, we prioritize sourcing our raw materials from environmentally friendly providers. Moreover, all of our production waste undergoes proper treatment before disposal.