Pharmaceutical Company


Development and Investment Committee

This Committee is chaired by Dr. Salem Abukhaizaran and includes in its membership Mr. Talal Nasereddin and Mr. Firas Nasereddin. This committee aims to review and analyze the company's investments and provide recommendations on them.

Delegated Authorities: The Committee submits recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval.

Internal Audit Committee

This Committee is chaired by Dr. Farhan Abu Al-Lail and includes in its membership Dr. Yahya Shawar and Mrs. Rasha Nasereddin. The objective of this committee is to audit financial and technical operations and research the risks that the company may face and offer advice on how to avoid them. Delegated Authorities: The Committee submits recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval.

Designations and Promotions Committee

This Committee is chaired by Mr. Talal Nasereddin and includes Mr. Firas Nasereddin and Mr. Azzam Shawwa, a representative of the Palestine Investment Fund. The committee’s objective is to set the minimum wage, review incentives and bonuses, and approve annual increments and salary adjustments.

Delegated Authorities: The Committee submits recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval.